NOCLIP Pocket E96 - Dice on the Desk - Pseudoregalia

I can’t just hide here forever and podcast.

Welcome back to the podcast where this week we’re going to be talking about Pseudoregalia! This is a metroidvania platformer that was originally developed as part of a game jam. The game is set in a castle and tasks you with navigating around to discover new abilities and, eventually, keys to end the game. The method by which you do this is some absolutely badass movement tech. I think it’s safe to say that for the majority of people, this movement is the major selling point of the game. You are very fluid, being able to chain different moves together to cover huge distances and scale walls, turning most rooms into something of a puzzle, but one with many interesting solutions. You can string together wall jumps and slides and kicks and et cetera in a number of different ways to traverse the world and it is pretty much always engaging to do. There are certainly ways in which the game doesn’t excel, but it is nonetheless a really fun way to spend a few hours, especially if you are the kind of person who likes to master these kinds of mechanics. We’re going to be talking about the necessity of the map, an addition in an update, to navigate without going completely insane, the game’s interest curve as you progress toward the end, and we codify the misty castle aesthetic.

Thank you for joining us again today as we close out our time doing soulslike games with the least soulslike of all. Still a fun time and one that did become strangely popular. How did you hear about this game, if you had at all? Let us know in the comments below or over in our Discord. Next time, we’re going to be talking about Pentament in our constant struggle to make every non-themed game as different as possible from the one we played before. We hope you’ll be back for that!

NOCLIP Pocket E96 - Dice on the Desk - Pseudoregalia