Episode 142 - Grip It and Rip It (For Jesus) - Snowboard Kids 2

Podcast Kids 2!

Welcome back and happy holidays! We decided to look back to our own childhoods this month, and to cap it off appropriately during this year’s very unfortunate winter cold snap, we’re going to be talking about Snowboard Kids 2. This is an N64 kart racer, but still not the one you think of when you hear someone say “N64 kart racer.” And also there are no karts. And your snowboards evidently don’t need snow to function. Snowboard Kids 2 is an enigma. It’s a racing game, featuring powerups that are both offensive and defensive, races, challenge modes and boss battles, and a threadbare plot that centers around a villain who just wants to hang out with you, and who you ignore. It’s pretty standard stuff for the genre, but it gets by on its solid presentation and a killer soundtrack. Honestly, there isn’t too much to say or that you need to know going into this one, so tune in to hear us wax nostalgic about old favorites. We’re going to be talking about the sound design and the catchy music, why boss battles should never have been a thing in kart racers, and we rename a powerup in a way you’ll wish we didn’t.

Thank you for joining us again this week! This is a light, fun one that we hope will be enjoyable at this time of year. So we hope you’re staying warm and that any traveling you may have had to do has gone safely, and that maybe we can accompany you on the way back. We’re going to be taking a short break after this. We’ll be putting out the NOCLIP Awards next time and then one more Pocket episode, and then we’ll see you in again in February…I mean Fanbruary. So get your game suggestions in over on our Discord or in the comments or at our email address and we’ll announce what we’re up to near the end of the month.

Episode 142 - Grip It and Rip It (For Jesus) - Snowboard Kids 2