Episode 144 - Intimacy with the Sword - Gunfire Reborn

Adds one podcast every one week. Resets on shield break.

Welcome back to the podcast! Today, we’re finishing up our listener suggested games for Fanbruary by talking about Gunfire Reborn. Gunfire Reborn is a co-op first person shooter roguelite title with an emphasis on multiplayer play. This is a very mechanics focused game, with the primary enjoyment coming from the loop of gradually improving your character abilities, finding new and better guns and experimenting to see what works. As such, being someone who likes to get into the details to determine what builds will provide the biggest damage numbers at the end of the day is going to be pretty important to enjoying this game. Between having eight characters, each with their own abilities, upgrades and a small skill tree, the massive overall skill tree, a lot of different weapons, over one hundred scrolls to modify gameplay and a development roadmap that appears at the beginning of the game indicating they’re going to be adding even more, a lot of experimentation is required. And all of this is a good thing, because it gives the game the variety it needs to remain fun over many hours of gameplay. On the other hand, the game’s levels and enemies are less varied, which can sometimes feel a little underwhelming without any major shakeups beyond increasing difficulty. It’s a tricky balance to strike as a game that is designed to be played over a long period. The presentation elements of the game are serviceable, bordering on cool at times, with the character and enemy designs mostly being very solid, but it’s really the multiplayer roguelite elements that are going to carry your enjoyment with this one. We’re going to talk about choosing characters and how different each of them can feel from one another, we judge the feeling of different guns and how they compare to other games in the genre, and we hem and haw about comparing roguelikes to Hades for the umpteenth time.

Thank you for listening to NOCLIP this week! We finally finished Fanbruary deep into March at this point, so I hope everyone is ready for more regularly scheduled programming, so to speak. This game was fun and unfortunately for my coverage of games moving forward from this, I’ve added it to the list of things that I’m playing regularly. How did this game land for you? Did this recapture the feeling of a game like Hades or is it a bit too unpolished for your liking? Let us know over on Discord or down in the comments below. Next time, we’re going to be moving in a pretty vastly different direction and are going to be talking about Shadows Over Loathing, so we hope you’ll tune in then!