Episode 90 - A Nice Wide Stance - Blasphemous


What I do know is that, according to The Rule, one must carry out the Three Humiliations to podcast about Souls-like games

Welcome back to the podcast! Today we’re going to be talking about Blasphemous, a Kickstarter funded indie game that takes inspiration from various platformers and metroidvanias and, rather explicitly, Dark Souls. What this means for the game is actually pretty varied, with some elements, like boss fights, absolutely flourishing in their inspiration, while others, like platforming, feel inappropriate for the style of engagement this game presents. The game asks you to explore a world and collect the necessary holy do-dads and other plot important knickknacks, and you do so by jumping over pits and utilizing the simple but weighty combat system. All of this seems pretty standard, but the level of detail in the pixel art visuals the game boasts really draw you in and keep you entertained throughout the experience. We’re going to be talking about the differences between overworld exploration and boss combat, the implementation of collectibles and using it as a case study to examine how they should and shouldn’t be used, and things get really heated when we drop trou and compare Fervor Bars.

Thank you for joining us this week as we begin our countdown to episode 100. This probably won’t be something we make a big deal out of or comment on a whole lot, but it is only 10 episodes away, and that’s kind of insane. Thanks for sticking with us, if you have, or joining us whenever you did! As we enter the 90s, we’re revisiting a series that at the very least has an appropriate appreciation for flannel, though admittedly less so in this installment. We’re talking about Life is Strange 2, so check us out then!